Why Is Jewelry Made of Ammonite Fossils So Popular Today?


Ammonite, one of the most well-known fossils, is an eolith made of ammonoids, ancient marine mollusks. There are a lot of ammonite fossils left over today because there were a lot of ammonoids before they vanished 65 million years ago. The god Ammon, who had ram-like spiral horns and was initially worshipped in Ethiopia or Libya before spreading to Egypt and parts of Greece, is the source of the name Ammonite.


Ammonite Fossils Specialties

Ammonite is a prehistoric fossil, therefore it blends beautifully with druzy and other interesting-looking natural formations. For a neutral, natural color pattern, combine ammonite with other natural gemstones like coral or agate. To emphasize antiquity, consider adding more fossils like shark teeth, orthocera, or septarian. Instead of bracelets or rings, where they are more vulnerable to damage, ammonites work best as necklace pendants and earrings.

As an earth-healing fossil, ammonite has amazing powers that bring stability and order to life. These two qualities encourage spiritual development and growth. It offers to explain and aids in your understanding of the entire idea.

Ammonite is a protective stone that encourages energy flow and helps with trauma recovery. Your stability will be dynamic thanks to the abilities of ammonite. You can establish harmony in your body, mind, and soul by using this fossil to enhance your meditating experience. Ammonites will also aid in easing the weight that comes with depression.

Given their perfect metaphysical and medicinal properties, it is no surprise that ammonite fossils have been used to create jewelry such as earrings, necklaces, and pendants. Our ammonite pendant draws attention to the inside spaces of the organism's shell. By putting the gold-fill rabbit ear bale through the pendant, any necklace, including the Gold Vermeil Smooth Round Box Chain, can be worn with it.

Ammonite fossils' Metaphysical characteristics

With their spiral shape, ammonites are an obvious choice as a representation of change and forward motion. Negative energy is drawn to the spiral, where it is filtered through the chambers and released to be replaced by positive energy.

Ammonite has been used to awaken Kundalini, a term used in Dharma to describe primordial energy (also known as shakti), which is coiled at the base of the spine and provides means of life force or energy. Given how long these fossils have existed, it makes it reasonable that ammonite is connected to ancient wisdom.

Ammonites have an additional chakra at the root chakra that is more closely related to the third eye chakra. Ammonite is linked to the astrological signs Aquarius and Cancer even though it is not a birthstone. It is believed that ammonite fossils can aid in the treatment of diseases like high blood pressure and degenerative illnesses that affect the ears and lungs.

Our Speciality

At Jurassic Jewellery, we provide amazing Ammonite jewelry in addition to various other types of Jewelleries like our Seaside Collection and more. We at Jurassic Jewelry are committed to offering our customers the best jewelry products available at conveniently accessible, and affordable pricing that is just a click away. To find top-quality jewelry products for our cherished consumers, our experts travel the world and visit well-known jewelry shows. Our selection is made to reflect your individuality and identity.




